SEO & Analytics

Web & Mobile Development provides website analytics and search engine optimization (SEO) services.

Analytics provide important information about your website traffic and visitors. Our team will set up email delivery of monthly analytics reports upon request, and also is available to assist in the review and implementation of analytics data collection.

We also implement and help troubleshoot tracking for a variety of web applications, including Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Search Engine Optimization is an important practice that helps your webpages rank in search results.

Web & Mobile Development provides tools to help you get started with optimizing your pages, including consultations, training opportunities and guidelines for best practices.

We provide guidance conducting basic keyword research and optimizing your content, and also assist with technical SEO, such as the use of meta description modules in Drupal, guidelines for URLs and page titles, and tools for eliminating common issues such as missing alt text, duplicate content, broken links and spelling errors.

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Service ID: 419
Thu 11/21/19 9:05 AM
Fri 11/3/23 9:37 AM