Digital Governance

Digital Governance provides a set of guidelines and standards for the UNH digital presence. This includes websites, mobile, social media, UNH TV, and other Internet and web-enabled services.

Academic Technology and Communications and Public Affairs work jointly with the following teams:

Digital Communication Team
A group of stakeholders from across campus that meet routinely. The team develops and reviews standards and best practices for digital communication. The standards are posted on the Digital Communication site.

Steering Committee
High-level stakeholders from across campus who meet quarterly. The committee is charged with developing strategies for aligning UNH digital assets to UNH strategic goals and aspirations. It will review, approve and oversee implementation of standards, policies and practices developed by the Digital Communication Team, UNH Mobile App and UNH Portal teams.

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Thu 11/21/19 9:06 AM
Thu 11/21/19 9:07 AM