Xtender: Quick Start


This tip is for anyone who wants to get started with the basics in Xtender.

Although it is accessed through the internet, Xtender is available only to USNH users who have the appropriate VPN and Xtender accounts.



Task: Get started quickly with Xtender.



New to ApplicationXtender?

Great! Use the list below to get started with Xtender.

  1. Adjust the browser pop-up blocker (Xtender: Adjust Pop-Up Blocker )
  2. Adjust your user settings (Xtender: Define the User Settings )
  3. If you are going to scan from this computer, install Captiva Cloud (Xtender: Install Captiva Cloud )
  4. Review the help documentation on the UNH IT Knowledge Base (https://unh.edu/it/kb/)
  5. Consider a training class (https://ittraining.unh.edu/apps/ssr)


Existing user with a new computer?

The to-do list is shorter just make sure you set your pop-up blocker and install Captiva Cloud (if necessary), and you’ll be ready to go.



You should be able to get started quickly with Xtender.


Further Readings 

For more tips on using Xtender, search for Xtender right here in the UNH IT Knowledge Base.

Need additional help?

If you have questions, please complete an online Document Management technical support form at https://td.usnh.edu/TDClient/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=131 or call the IT Service Desk at (603) 862-4242.

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Article ID: 1290
Fri 7/19/19 5:59 PM
Wed 10/25/23 8:55 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office