The page number variable (i.e. Page 4 of 12) will appear as #RECURSIVE when used in the body of the report.
In the past, WebI templates included a Page Number variable in the upper right-hand corner of a table called "Header Block" or "Header Table". This table, instead of being placed in the report header was included in the body of the report. This was done so that the Header Block would be included when a report was downloaded to the Excel. Report Headers are not downloaded to Excel.
WebI Templates have been redesigned to remove the Page Number variable from the Header Block (in the report body), and added to the Footer Block, which is in the report's footer.
According to the software vendor, SAP, page numbers should be used in Report Headers and Report footers, and not in the body of the report.
If you encounter this issue on a published report, please contact the Center for DATA WebI team, or contact the Technology Help Desk.
If you encounter this issue in one of your own reports, you can use the "Page Set-up" tab to turn on the Report Header and/or Report Footer, and then:
- Move the Header Block to the Report's Header, OR
- Create a Footer Block in the Report's Footer. Then add the Page Number cell to the Report Footer's Footer Block. Remove the Page Number cell from the Header Block.
*Need help?*
If you have questions not answered here, please submit a request to the Center for DATA WebI team, or contact the Technology Help Desk.