UNH Events Calendar: Adding Tags for RSS Feeds


Web and Mobile Development (WMD) manages the main UNH events calendar and creates RSS feeds for individual departments. Calendar events must be tagged properly in order to show up in specific feeds. This article describes the process of adding tags to both new and existing ads.

NOTE: This article assumes you have an account with "Standard" user access to the events calendar. Need an account? Go to UNH IT Accounts Management System and log into the Accounts Management System to request access to the events calendar.



Adding tags to a new event

Task: To add tags to a new event


Step 1 - Go to https://calendar.unh.edu and log in with your events calendar username and password (typically your UNH username and password).

Step 2 - Hover over your user name (upper right) and choose "Submit Event" from the dropdown menu.

Screenshot of events calendar menu


Step 3 - Enter your event details, including the calendar you wish to post to. After selecting the calendar, an "Additional Info" block will appear below - add your RSS tag into the box marked "Tag(s)."

Screenshot of events calendar Add Event screen


NOTE: Not sure if your department has been assigned a tag, or you are unsure of your tag name? Use the WMD Work Request Form to submit an inquiry: Website, Mobile & SharePoint Development & Design

Step 4 - Complete your event submission. Your event will appear in your RSS feed when next the feed is refreshed.
Screenshot of calendar event appearing in feed


For questions about obtaining or managing RSS calendar feeds for your website, please use the WMD Work Request Form at Website, Mobile & SharePoint Development & Design.



Tags have been successfully added to a new event.

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Adding tags to an existing event

Task: To add tags to an existing event


Step 1 - Go to https://calendar.unh.edu and log in with your events calendar username and password (typically your UNH username and password).

Step 2 - Hover over your user name (upper right) and choose "View My Requests" from the dropdown menu.
Screenshot of events calendar dropdown menu


Step 3 - Click on the event you wish to edit:

Screenshot of events calendar events list


Step 4 - In the next screen it is important to choose the Edit Event link in the Details pane, above and to the right:

Screenshot of events calendar event detail pane


Step 5 - Scroll down (if necessary) to the Additional Info section of the event detail and add your RSS tag in the Tag(s): field:

Screenshot of events calendar event details


Step 6 - Save your changes. Your event will appear in your RSS feed when next the feed is refreshed.

For questions about obtaining or managing RSS calendar feeds for your website, please use the WMD Work Request Form at Website, Mobile & SharePoint Development & Design.



Tags have been successfully added to an existing event.

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Want to learn more?

Additional help on this and other related topics is available during a regularly scheduled Drupal/Sites@USNH/Calendar Walk-in/Zoom-in Session. More information, including a complete schedule, is available at Drupal/Sites@USNH/Website Tools - Virtual Walk-in Session.


Need additional help?

If you have any additional questions, please fill out the Website & Mobile Development & Design Support Form.

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Article ID: 1644
Fri 7/19/19 6:14 PM
Thu 7/11/24 8:43 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)