Xtender: Keyboard Shortcuts


This tip is for anyone using the web version of Xtender.

In addition to using your mouse to move around Xtender, you can also use your keyboard for some functions. The keyboard shortcuts that are available vary across Xtender screens.



Task: Find and use the keyboard shortcuts available for a particular Xtender screen.



  1. On an Xtender screen, press the question mark (?) key on your keyboard.
  2. The keyboard shortcuts for that screen are displayed.


Short cuts available, in general, in Xtender 16.3:

 CTRL + ALT + n  Upload New Document
 CTRL + ALT + m  Upload New Batch
 CTRL + ALT + b  Manage Batches
 CTRL + ALT + c  Select Scanner
 CTRL + ALT + s  Scan
 CTRL + ALT + t  Attach Current Page
 CTRL + ALT + a  Attach All Pages
 ALT + pagedown  Next Page
 ALT + pageup  Previous Page
 ALT + l  Rotate Left
 ALT + r  Rotate Right
 ALT + up arrow  Zoom in
 ALT + down arrow  Zoom out
 ALT + s + 1  Rotate and save: 90 degrees clockwise
 ALT + s + 2  Rotate and save: 180 degrees clockwise
 ALT + s + 3  Rotate and save: 270 degrees clockwise



You should be able to find and use the keyboard shortcuts available for a particular Xtender screen.

Further Readings 

For more tips on using Xtender, search for Xtender right here in the UNH IT Knowledge Base.

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If you have questions, please complete an online Document Management technical support form at https://td.usnh.edu/TDClient/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=131 or call the IT Service Desk at (603) 862-4242.

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Article ID: 1733
Fri 7/19/19 6:19 PM
Wed 10/25/23 8:53 AM
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Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
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