Drupal 8 Training: Anchors


Website, Mobile & SharePoint Development & Design (WMD) builds UNH websites on an open-source application called Drupal 8 (D8). This article provides you with information on the anchor elements of a webpage.




Anchor definition - The anchor element creates hyperlinks between a source anchor and a destination anchor Anchors can be set to open a section on the same page or to a heading on a different page, they don't open accordions. D8 adds HTML anchor code to headings within the body, text paragraphs and inside accordions. It doesn't add anchors to paragraph titles. 
Anchor code isn't seen in the source view, it's visible when the page is inspected. "Magic paragraph" doesn't have an anchor, but "Bring the magic" does.
anchor inspect code

Practice Exercise

This page in the Drupal demo site, https://drupal-demo.unh.test/d8extended/anchors contains anchors and instructions for how to build them.

Need additional help?

If you have any additional questions, please fill out the Website, Mobile, & SharePoint Development & Design Support Form.

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Article ID: 2100
Tue 1/14/20 11:15 AM
Tue 3/26/24 10:16 AM
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