Student Email Address

Tags PSU


Instructions for faculty to view a student's email address. 


Task: Follow the instructions to view a student's email address. 


  1. Log into myPlymouth
  2. Click on the Services Tab
  3. Click on the Faculty link that is located in the Self Service channel.
  4. The Faculty menu appears.
  5. On the Faculty Menu click on the Student Menu link
  6. The Student Information menu appears
  7. Click on View Student E-Mail Address
  8. If you have not yet selected the term in which you need course information,
    • Click on the triangle in the box next to Select a Term to access the drop down menu.
    • Click on the term in which your course is being offered.
    • Click on the Submit button to save your choice.
  9. The ID Selection window opens
  10. Type any student's ID or search for a student by typing his/her last name
  11. Click on the Submit button
  12. Click on the dropdown menu next to Student or Advisee to select the appropriate student's name
  13. The student's e-mail address is displayed



You should be able to view a student's email address. 

Additional Options

  • To view this student's profile, click on the Student Information link at the bottom of the window.
  • To view this student's address and phone numbers, click on the Student Address and Phones link at the bottom of the window.
  • To return to the Faculty Services Menu, click on the Faculty Services link at the top of the window.