New December 2, 2024! Call 2525 for support from Finance, Human Resources, Procurement, and Enterprise Technology & Services. This number works with the exchanges on each campus: KSC: 603-358-2525; PSU: 603-535-2525; UNH & USNH: 603-862-2525. Each department will continue to answer your calls as they do today, ensuring you receive consistent and reliable assistance from the teams you know and trust.
Plymouth State University Coordinates with the University of New Hampshire (UNH) to provide the Banner-developed Document Imaging product (Banner Document Management Suite (BDMS - formerly Xtender)) to campus. BDMS applications are currently developed by the Document Imaging Group at UNH, while application administration and image storage are administered at PSU. You will not be able to access the BDMS systems unless you have an application in production or in test. If you feel you need access to these systems, please contact the PSU Helpdesk at x5-2929.
The following list of documents have been provided by the Document Imaging Group at UNH as a set they use with their other Imaging clients.