Instructions for students to be able to view their course schedule by day/time. There are two options.
Task: View Day/Time Course Schedule.
There are two methods to view Day/Time Course Schedule.
Method 1
- Log into myPlymouth.
- On the left side of the page in the box titled Campus Resourses, click the link titled Banner: Personal Information.
- You will be brought to a page that says "Welcome, [Your Name], to Banner Self-Service." Click the tab titled Student.

- A drop-down menu of items will appear. Select the box titled Registration.
- A second drop-down menu will appear. Select Student Schedule by Day & Time. You will be brought to a new window that displays your day/time schedule.

Method 2
- Log into myPlymouth.
- Click the Services tab at the top of the page.
- In the block titled "Self Service", click the Student link.

- You will be brought to a page that says "Welcome, [Your Name], to Banner Self-Service." Click the block titled Registration.
- A drop-down menu will appear. Select Student Schedule by Day & Time. You will be brought to a new window that displays your day/time schedule.

You should be able to view your Day/Time Course Schedule.