WISE Navigation Tips

WISE: USNH's Web Information System for Employees

The information below will provide some tips for navigating WISE.

This is not the WISE Login Page.

The WISE login page is available at: https://wise.usnh.edu/

After accessing the WISE login page... log into WISE by scrolling past the Announcements and clicking on


to enter your username and password.  For assistance with your Username and/or password go to: Log in Help by Campus 

If you see the Invalid credentials error, you will need to reset your password.
PLEASE allow 5-10 minutes for password to re-sync after reset prior to logging into WISE
For assistance with your Username and/or password go to: Log in Help by Campus

If you are logged out as soon as you log in or you appear to be caught in a "loop"
please call the UNH IT Service Desk at (603) 862-4242 for assistance with resolving this issue.  They are available Monday thru Friday 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM


Navigation Tips

1.    Want to Browse?
Browsing through the system is easy. When you place your cursor (usually an arrow) on top of an item, the item highlights to dark blue and the cursor changes to a finger. Just click to be brought to another page within the site. To return to the previous page, click on the Back Arrow in the upper left-hand corner of your browser window. You may also click on RETURN TO MENU to go back to the menu.

2.    Visiting Another Website?
When accessing another Web site while using WISE, such as a benefit vendor’s site, you may need to use the back arrow of your browser to return to the page you were on. If you close the window by clicking on the box in the corner, your session may close and you will be required to re-log into WISE.

3.    Timed Out?
For security purposes, WISE will automatically log you out of the site after a period of inactivity based upon your roles. You will then be required to log into the system again to continue using it.  This is to prevent someone else from accessing your data if you leave the browser open on your computer.

4.    Tab or Enter?
When updating information, use the TAB key rather than the ENTER key to move from one field to another; otherwise, the data you entered will be submitted before you are finished.

5.    Searching for Something?
To find particular items quickly, use the SEARCH feature at the top of each page by filling in key words associated with the item, then click on Go or press the Enter key.

6.    Need Help?
If you need assistance when you are logged into WISE, click on the word HELP in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

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Article ID: 351
Thu 1/10/19 1:03 PM
Thu 2/6/20 12:42 PM