Advancement Data Access Policy

Overview: This policy is designed to ensure that appropriate approvals are received based on role and need for Advancement data access and that users will only be presented with data and system functionality that pertains to the needs of their role with the University.

  1. Advancement Staff:
    1. Trax/Tableau/WebI access: All Advancement staff may access these tools as needed. User groups/roles and resulting security are pre-established and generally organized by departments. Access requests will be vetted using the below identified method for submitting the request (sec. "Data Access Request").
      1. For access requests outside the previously identified user groups/roles, prior to sending the data access request to AIT, department approval should be obtained. As part of this approval process, the senior leader for that department should agree that the user should have access to the identified system along with identifying the appropriate level of access and/or any restrictions to standard access.
    2. Advancement staff providing data to others must abide by Section 2c, below.
  2. UNH staff and faculty external to Advancement
    1. Trax: All access requests for University staff outside of Advancement must be approved by the head of Development.
    2. Business intelligence/reporting tools: At this time, we do not allow UNH staff and faculty outside of Advancement to access our self-service business intelligence solutions. As such, UNH staff and faculty outside of Advancement may request Advancement data to pursue legitimate business needs. The person requesting and/or being provided the data must have a current signed Advancement confidentiality document on file. Instructions for obtaining a signed Confidentiality Agreement can be found in the UA Knowledge Base. Additionally, the following staff roles must approve the request depending on the noted business purpose. It is assumed that a recurring effort will not need to be approved each time if the scope of the effort has not changed.
      1. Event/volunteer invitations -- Must be approved by the Director of Alumni Programs
      2. Newsletters/news emails -- Must be approved by the Director of Communications
      3. Grad school marketing efforts -- Must be approved by the Assistant Vice President of Marketing
      4. Donor stewardship -- Must be approved by the Director of Donor Relations
      5. Accreditation surveys and Promotion and Tenure lists --Must be approved by Associate Vice President of Advancement Services
      6. Solicitations -- Must be approved by the Director of Annual Giving
    3. As prescribed in the Advancement Confidentiality and Data Usage Agreement, under no circumstances should Advancement data be passed on to another individual, unless that individual has a current confidentiality agreement on file and the intended usage of the data still meets UNH objectives. In the case of a vendor, no Advancement data should be passed on to any third-parties unless prior approval has been granted and determination of the need to conduct a Security Assessment Review has been completed; the director of Advancement IT must be consulted before any Advancement data is passed to third-parties regardless of scope of that data.
  3. Volunteers and Other Individuals
    1. Direct access to Advancement systems is not permitted for volunteers or other individuals who do not have an official employment or consulting contract with the University.
    2. Such individuals may work with Advancement staff to review data and reports on a case-by-case basis. Advancement staff providing such access to other individuals must abide by section 2c above.
  4. Vendors, Service Providers and UNH Corporate Partners
    1. Under specific circumstances to perform University business functions that cannot otherwise be accomplished, representatives of these external parties may be given very limited and closely monitored access to Advancement data and systems on an as-needed basis.
    2. All such arrangements must be carefully vetted by and meet the requirements of the Associate Vice President of Advancement Services for purpose, and by the Director of Advancement IT for logistics.
    3. All University staff sharing data with such parties must abide by section 2c above.
  5. Data Access Requests
    1. All requests for new or modified system or data access should be submitted through Team Dynamix using the Advancement IT Support Form. The Advancement IT team will vet requests through the TeamDynamix ticket review process.
  6. Training
    1. All new Trax users will be required to attend Trax 101 training prior to receiving access. As part of the account set-up process, we will work with supervisors and/or users to schedule a training. We have standard training options offered on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month and may be able to offer ad-hoc training if required.
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Article ID: 3778
Fri 2/19/21 5:19 PM
Wed 4/7/21 10:18 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)