Final Grade Change

Final Grade Change is a process to submit a grade change after the Office of the Registrar final grade deadlines have passed. (Previously the process was completed by using the Special Grade Report paper from).

Instructors may submit a final grade change request via Webcat under the Faculty Services menu, select Final Grades and select Change a grade. The request is then routed via Banner Workflow, reviewed and either approved or denied by the student’s Dean’s Office. If the grade change is approved, the student’s academic record will be updated. A confirmation is sent to the student and instructor notifying them of the grade change. If the grade change in denied, the instructor will receive an email notification including an explanation of the decision.

The paper based Special Grade Report form will only be used in exceptional situations such as submitting a grade for an extended incomplete.

Learn more about Final Grade Changes or email with questions.  

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Article ID: 4201
Mon 9/20/21 10:21 AM
Fri 2/2/24 4:43 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)