Degree Works FAQs


Reviews what Degree Works is common questions about the tool.




What is Degree Works?  

What is a Degree Audit? 

Who can use Degree Works? 

Can I register for classes in Degree Works? 

What do I do if I believe my Degree Works audit is incorrect? 

Why isn’t my transfer credit meeting a requirement? 

I’m thinking about changing my major. How will my courses be applied toward a new major? 

My academic advisor told me that a course I took would be substituted for a requirement. Why doesn’t this information appear on my audit? 

If all the boxes are checked, does that mean I’m graduating? 




What is Degree Works?

  • Degree Works is a Web-based tool for advisors and students to monitor their academic progress toward degree completion. This degree audit is a guide to use when planning your progress toward completion of the above requirements. 
    • Undergraduate students should contact their academic advisor for assistance in interpreting the audit.
    • Graduate students should contact their graduate department office. Please note: Not all graduate programs are in Degree Works. Please contact your graduate department office to inquire if Degree Works is available to you.
    • Prospective undergraduate transfer students should contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office. This audit is not official notification of completion of degree requirements.
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What is a Degree Audit?

  • A degree audit is a review of past, current and in progress coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to complete a degree and major. 
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Who can use Degree Works?  

  • Degree Works is available to faculty advisors, all degree seeking undergraduate students, and select graduate students. Faculty members who are also advisors should have their supervisor submit a request to the Accounts Management System to be granted access. 
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Can I register for classes in Degree Works?

  • No. Registration will continue to be handled through Webcat. Degree Works is a snapshot of courses that are in progress and completed.
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What do I do if I believe my Degree Works audit is incorrect?

  • Undergraduate students consult with your academic advisor for a review of your audit.
    Graduate students consult with your graduate department office for a review of your audit.
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Why isn’t my transfer credit meeting a requirement?

  • Not all transfer courses slot automatically into major requirements; many require manual intervention through an exception process.
    • Undergraduate students please speak with your academic advisor. Your advisor can contact their Dean’s Office to rectify this problem.
    • Graduate students please speak with your graduate department office. 
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 I’m thinking about changing my major. How will my courses be applied toward a new major?

  • Use the “What-if” feature within Degree Works and select your proposed degree and major. Click the “Process What-if” button to see how your coursework will be applied for the new major.
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My academic advisor told me that a course I took would be substituted for a requirement. Why doesn’t this information appear on my audit?

  • You should contact your academic advisor to resolve any substitution issue. Your advisor can contact their Dean’s Office to rectify this problem.
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If all the boxes are checked, does that mean I’m graduating?

  • Not necessarily. If you have applied to graduate, the Office of the Registrar will perform a final audit after all final grades have been submitted to determine if you are eligible to graduate.
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Article ID: 4304
Fri 1/7/22 3:43 PM
Fri 2/2/24 4:47 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)