UNH Banner Student - Advisor Assignment Management

The instructions below describe how to manage student advisor assignments in UNH Banner Student. Including the following actions: advisor assignment, changing an advisor assignment and adding a subsequent advisor(s).

Advisor Assignment

1. Go to: SGAADVR>enter Student ID and effective term of advisor assignment>click Go

2. Enter advisor UNH ID number>Check the Primary Indicator box> click Save

-- To search for an advisor's UNH ID number, select the ID field ellipsis. Leaving all fields blank except the term, click Go
-- Enter the advisor's first and last name with standard capitalization (field is case sensitive)>click Go>select ID number

Tip: If the query does not display the desired result, verify the correct spelling or preferred advisor name is entered. (E.g. Steve vs. Steven vs. Stephen)

Student advisor assignments are in effect from the effective term entered through the end of time (term 999999).


Advisor Type field is left blank

There must be one primary advisor, check the primary indicator box if no other advisor is present/checked.

Change an Advisor

1. Go to: SGAADVR>enter Student ID and effective term of advisor assignment>click Go

The active advisor assignment information will be displayed.

2. To update, click Maintenance>select End Advisor>click Save

3. Click Start Over>enter the effective term of advisor assignment (same term used to end the advisor assignment)>click Go

4. Enter advisor UNH ID number>Check the Primary Indicator box>click Save

To search for an advisor, review step 2 in "Advisor Assignment" instructions above.

Student advisor assignments are in effect from the effective term entered through the end of time (term 999999).


Advisor Type field is left blank

There must be one primary advisor, check the primary indicator box if no other advisor is present/checked.

Adding Subsequent Advisor(s)

1. Go to: SGAADVR>enter Student ID and effective term of advisor assignment>click Go

If the From Term is the effective term entered, click Insert (or down arrow)>enter the subsequent advisor UNH ID number>click Save

If the From Term is not the effective term entered, click Maintenance>Copy Advisor

2. Click Insert (or down arrow)>enter the subsequent advisor UNH ID number>click Save

To search for an advisor, review step 2 in "Advisor Assignment" instructions above.


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Article ID: 4862
Mon 2/5/24 4:51 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)