Many teams use the Workspaces in TeamDynamix to categorize time spent on various types of work. Workspace members can track their time on Workspaces, and the Workspace hours conveniently appear on their timecard for easy time entry. This article contains instructions for Workspace owners to add or subtract team members from their workspaces.
Task: Add or remove members from a Workspace
- From the TDNext area of TeamDynamix, select the waffle icon in the upper left corner of the screen.

- Click open Workspaces.

- Click on the Workspace pull-down at the top of the screen and select the name of the workspace that needs members added or removed.
- Click the Workspace Detail pull-down at the bottom right corner of the screen, just above your user name.
- Choose Manage.
- Click the Members tab.
- Follow instructions from here for the action below:
To add a person or group
- Click the Actions pull-down menu
- Select Add People.
- Use the magnifying glass to search for the person or group to add to the workspace.
- Select the checkbox(es) next to the user or group, once found.
- Click the green Insert Checked option
- Click the green Add button.
To remove a person:
- Select the member to remove
- Select toe Actions pull-down menu
- Choose Remove Person.
- Choose one of the radio buttons for either
- Remove person and delete all associated materials - This removes the person and assigns issues, contacts, etc.. to the person's manager.
- Remove person and delegate associated materials to another person - This option requires the selection of a delegate to assign the user's issues, contacts, etc.
- Click the green Remove button
Further Readings
How to Create a Workspace in TeamDynamix
ET&S Capacity Management Planning Guide
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