Websites: Requesting an Account



Website accounts are required to access websites hosted in either the Drupal or static HTML environments. You can request an account through the UNH IT Accounts Management System.



For UNH/USNH faculty, staff, and students

Requesting a website account for yourself

Task: To request a website account for yourself

Step 1 - Go to the UNH IT Accounts Management System and

Step 2 - Sign in using your UNH/USNH username and password

Step 3 - Click the "+ Add" block, then "Request Access for Yourself" (below the + Add block)

Step 4 - Confirm your own account and supervisor information, then click "Next"

Step 5 - Check off "Communication and Collaboration," then "Website Access," then click "Next"

Step 6 - Fill in the Site Information section, then click "Next"

Step 7 - Submit the request



You have successfully requested a website account for yourself.

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Request a website account for an employee

Task: To request a website account for an employee

Step 1 - Go to the UNH IT Accounts Management System

Step 2 - Sign in using your UNH/USNH username and password

Step 3 - Click the "+ Add" block, then "Request Access for an Employee" (below the + Add block)

Step 4 - Confirm your own account info and click "Next"

Step 5 - Enter employee and supervisor info and click "Next"

Step 6 - Check off "Communication and Collaboration," then "Website Access," then click "Next"

Step 7 - Fill in the Site Information section, then click "Next"

Step 8 - Submit the request



You have successfully requested a website user account for an employee.

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Requesting a website account for a student

Task: To request a website account for a student

Step 1 - Go to the UNH IT Accounts Management System

Step 2 - Sign in using your UNH username and password

Step 3 - Click the "+ Add" block, then "Request Access for an Employee" (below the + Add block)

Step 4 - Confirm your own account info and click "Next"

Step 5 - Enter student info - DO NOT USE SEARCH FUNCTION

  • Enter Username
  • Enter First/M/Last name
  • Enter and confirm email (
  • Phone number for student, if available, or your own otherwise
  • Campus is typically "UNH"
  • Affiliation = Staff
  • Department is optional

Step 6 - Check the box under Supervisor Information to auto-fill your own info

Step 7 - Click "Next"

Step 8 - Check off "Communication and Collaboration," then "Website Access," then click "Next"

Step 9 - Fill in the Site Information section, then click "Next"

Step 10 - Submit the request



You have successfully requested a website user account for a student.

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For contractors and affiliates

The process starts with requesting a Sponsored Account. See Sponsored User FAQ for details and instructions.


Requesting a website account for a sponsored user

To request a website account for a sponsored user

Step 1 - go to the UNH IT Accounts Management System

Step 2 - Sign in using your UNH username and password

Step 3 - Click the "+ Add" block, then "Request Access for an Employee" (below the + Add block)

Step 4 - Confirm your own account info and click "Next"

Step 5 - Enter user info - DO NOT USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION:

  • Enter Username
  • Enter First/M/Last name
  • Enter and confirm Email
  • Enter Phone Number for user
  • Campus is typically "UNH"
  • Affiliation is typically "Staff"
  • Department is optional
  • Check the box under Supervisor Information to auto-fill your own info

Step 6 - Click "Next"

Step 7 - Check off "Communication and Collaboration," then "Website Access," then click "Next"

Step 8 - Fill in the Site Information section, then click "Next"

Step 9 - Submit the request

Note: Introductory Drupal training is required before account activation. Training information is located at Teaching and Learning Technologies.



You have successfully requested a website user account for a sponsored user.

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Need additional help?

If you have any additional questions, please fill out the Website & Mobile Development & Design Support Form.



Article ID: 1298
Fri 7/19/19 5:59 PM
Wed 7/10/24 1:20 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office