Student Experiences of Learning Software (Blue) - Data Integrity Gateway (DIG)-Cross-Listing Courses


This article is intended for Teaching Evaluation (TEV) Coordinators and will instruct the user on the Data Integrity Gateway (DIG) process for cross-listing courses.



Coordinators and will instruct the user on the Data Integrity Gateway (DIG) process for cross-listing courses.SELThis article is intended for Student Experiences of Learning



Cross-Listing Courses for Student Experience Purposes (DIG)

NOTE: This is not the directions for cross-listing courses in Canvas (myCourses). For information on this please see Canvas: Cross-List/Combine Course.

Why is this important?

Cross listing courses in DIG is the exception, not the rule.   Cross-listing courses that may have been considered low enrollment (under 6) these courses will now meet the threshold for surveys and students in those sections will be invited to evaluate the course. Cross-listing also creates consistency in the reporting.


  1. Is the course being taught by the same faculty member?
  2. Do you want the courses to be evaluated as a single course?
  3. Once courses are cross-listed and evaluated there is no way to report on each course separately.


How to Cross-list courses for SEL Surveys?

Task: To Cross-List Courses for SEL Surveys

Step 1 - Log in to Blue.

Step 2 - Click on Review and Publish the Data assigned to you for the current DIG cycle

Step 3 - Find your course(s) by using the search or scroll through the list

Step 4 - Click on the edit button for the course you would like to be the main course that all the other courses will be cross-listed with

Step 5 - Scroll down to the Cross-listing field

Step 6 - Choose a main course.

NOTE: It does not matter which course is the main one as long as all the others are cross-listed with it

Step 7 - Type in the course ID (which looks like 201750-51732) into the cross-listing field for the main course

Step 8 - For all the other courses that you would like to cross-list you will need to add this same ID to the cross-listing field

Step 9 - Confirm that all the cross-listed courses are set to YES in the Evaluate? column. If not update them to YES.

Step 10 - Scroll up and click Save

cross-listing course


Cross-listing with other departments

There may be some situations where courses are cross-listed with a department a TEV Coordinator does not have access to in DIG. In this case, it is recommended that department TEV coordinators work together to identify the department that owns the parent course in order to share the Blue course ID necessary for the cross-listing field in DIG. A list of TEV Coordinators and Liaisons for Blue are listed here in Sharepoint: HERE 



DIG Coordinators will be able to cross list courses within Blue


Further Readings

Canvas: Cross-List/Combine Course


Need additional help?

Please fill out the Student Experiences of Learning Service Request with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

For additional Training please visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Training Website.



Article ID: 1375
Fri 7/19/19 6:02 PM
Thu 2/27/25 4:38 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)