Canvas: FAQ's about Grades


This article describes FAQ's about grades in Canvas.



Task: This article describes FAQ's about grades in Canvas.


Canvas - Frequently Asked Questions about Grades

  1. How do I add a column to the grade area? Extra columns are added by going to the Assignments area and adding an assignment. You can set the assignment type as "no submission" but allow it to be graded, publish it and it shows up in the Grades area. For more details click on the link to the article.
  2. How do I give or add extra credit? There are multiple ways of giving extra credit. The answer is "It depends". Read the article below to learn more.
  3. How do I weight grades? - Go to Assignments and enable the Assignment Groups Weight. Then add an Assignment Group for each of the Weighted Groups. For more details see the articles below.
  4. How do I export Grades? In the grades area, click on the Export Grades button. Select the link below to read more.
  5. How do I send grades to WebCat from my Course?  This is only available for UNH Durham courses.  Use the Grade Passback feature in the Grades area. See the article linked below for more details.
  6. Where is the "Treat Ungraded as Zero" feature that used to be in Grades? This feature has returned. Go the Grades area, on the far right side select the Cog Wheel, then select View Options. Select the View Ungraded as Zero.
  7. How do I update or change the grade schema? Read this article about how the grade schema works and how to update or change it. There are additional links in this article to the Canvas guides that offer more details. How to view and edit the grade schema article
  8. How does the grade schema calculate the points? Read this article about how the grade schema works. The default grade scheme in Canvas is based on the USNH grade scheme.  For additional information check out the Canvas guides. Canvas article about grading schemes
  9. How do I setup the Grade Schema to be Pass/Fail in Canvas?

    Use the Pass/Fail grade schema in Canvas and apply it to your course. In your courses, go to Settings, select View/Edit Grading Schema. In the next window, select "Select another schema" and select Credit/Fail schema, then select Use This Grading Standard. Select Done to apply the schema. Go to Grades to the Total column and the student grade will show as either "F" or "CR".



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Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request. 



Article ID: 1398
Fri 7/19/19 6:03 PM
Fri 3/8/24 2:11 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)