Task: This article describes the grade book functionality in Canvas.
The grade book functions the same as the previous grade book but has been organized to provide most settings in a single location, under the CogWheel on the right side of the gradebook.
Gradebook features
The Menu selection has been reorganized and moved to the CogWheel, on the right side of the Gradebook. On the left side of the gradebook, the Apply Filters options which allows for default filters as well as custom filter. For a quick overview and video check out the Canvas article, How do I use the Gradebook.
Gradebook: allows you to view the grade book by individual student and to view Gradebook History. For more details see:
Traditional View: This view shows all the students and all assessments in a table format.
Individual view: The individual View does not support settings and options from the New Gradebook. You will not be able to adjust the status in this view.
Grade book History: allows you to filter by student for history of assessment grades Canvas guide for Gradebook History
Sync: All UNH course total grades to be send directly to Webcat using Sync grades to SIS
Import: Allows a CSV file containing grades or new assessments to be imported into the gradebook. Use the Export option to download the CSV file that is the course template.
Export: Download a CSV file of the current or entire gradebook. This file can be used to make changes to grades that can imported back into the gradebook.
(gradebook settings)
Late Policies tab: This feature allows you to enable and set the late and missing policy. See the following articles for more details;
Grade Posting Policy tab:
Advanced Tab
Override Column (Cogwheel)
View Options tab: offers the following options
Notes: This is a text column for adding instructor notes that can be added to the gradebook. Check the option to enable it.
Unpublished Assignments: allows you to hide or show Unpublished assignments. For more information see the following articles; View Unpublished Assignments
Split Student Names:
Hide Assignment Group Totals:
Hide Total and Override Columns:
View ungraded as 0
Status Color : This is the color legend for the grading status. You can use the default colors or change the color. See the Canvas article for more details Change the color for the grading status
Arrange by: reorders the columns by name, due date, points and/or module. For more details see the article Arrange Columns in the Gradebook
Filter : allows you to filter the columns by assignment group, module or sections. For more details see the article Filter Columns by Type
COLUMN Menu Options
Student Name column: allows you to sort names and display names by either first or last names. See the Canvas article for more details.
Individual column: Individual columns menu option offers new features: Sort by and Enter Grade as. The Assignment Details option has been removed but will be replaced in a future release as part of analytics. For more details about column menu features reading the following articles;
Total Grade column: You can now customize the Total column to display either percentage or points. The Total column can also be moved to the front of the gradebook.
Search: This field allows you to search the grade book for a student name or assignment name.
Users should understand the Gradebook functionality in Canvas.
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