Kaltura: Accessing Media that has been Shared with You


This article describes how to access media that has been shared with you.



This article describes how to access media that has been shared with you.



Task: To access media that has been shared with you


Step 1 - Go to My Media within one of your courses, or on MediaSpace (media.unh.edu , mediaspace.keene.edu , or mediaspace.plymouth.edu ). 

My Media from Canvas Navigation


Step 2 - Click on Filters

Clicking on Filters in My Media


Step 3 - In the Ownership section, select "Media I can Publish," "Media I can Edit," or "Media I can View" depending on which permissions you have been given.

Kaltura MyMedia filtering options, with location of ownership category circled


Step 4 - You should now be able to see the video. Depending on the permissions given by the media owner, you can edit the video or publish it to one of your courses



You are able to access shared media in Kaltura.


Further reading

Kaltura: My Media

Canvas: Enable External Course Tools


Need additional help?

Please fill out this Canvas webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.



Article ID: 1688
Fri 7/19/19 6:16 PM
Thu 2/13/25 11:15 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)