Canvas: Using the Missing Submission Policy in the Gradebook


This article describes how to use the missing submission policy in the grade book.


Task: This article describes how to use the missing submission policy in the grade book.


The Missing Submission policy is an optional setting in the grade book and by default it is not enabled. The Missing policy only applies to the course where it was enabled. It is recommended that if you use the policy in your course, that you set it up at the start of the semester. Once you enable the policy, it will be applied to any ungraded assessments with a past due date that are missing student submissions.

Missing Submission Policy:

The Missing Submission Policy lets you automatically apply a default grade for any student who has missed a submission. The policy will only be applied to assessments that have a Due Date and have an online submissions.

The points applied to a missing submission is a percentage of the total points possible for the assessment. For example: when a Missing policy is set to 20% and the assessment is worth 10 points, then a missing assessment would be awarded 2 points. If you want to assign a Zero (0) to missing submissions, then enter a Zero (0) in the "Missing submission grade" field.


Enable and set a Missing Submission Policy points:

  1. Select the Cogwheel icon on the right side of the grade book.
  2. Enable the policy by checking the box next to the "Automatically apply grade for missing submissions".
  3. Next enter the percentage that you want to use the for policy.
  4. Select Update to save the changes.
  5. Return to the Gradebook and view the grade columns. If you have any missing submissions, then the Missing color Status will appear for that student's grade.
  6. You can also verify the assigned status by clicking in the student grade, then select the arrow to open the "Grade Detail Tray". The assigned status will be selected.



Users will understand how to use the missing submission policy in the grade book.

Further reading:

To learn more about what assessments the policy will apply to read this article Canvas: Gradebook Missing and Late Policy Rules

How do I apply the Missing Submission policy in the Gradebook

Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information. 



Article ID: 1765
Fri 7/19/19 6:20 PM
Fri 8/2/24 4:32 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)