EAB Navigate360: Student Profile


This article will cover the different areas of the student profile and define the information contained within.


Task: This article will cover the different areas of the student profile and define the information contained within.


Regardless of the tab the user clicks on for information the information panel to the right will remain static.  Each hyperlink  displayed would allow the user to carryout the specific action. 

Active Appt Campaigns will only display if the current date falls within a campaign date range.  If an adviser created a campaign and invited the student but the current date is outside of the dates to which the campaign is active, this will not show any active campaigns.

Student Photo is fed in from Student Banner and respective student information can be displayed under the photo by clicking on the chevron icon.

Overview Tab: 

  1. Provides a count of courses the student has received a D or F grade.  The chevron would provide the names of those courses.
  2. Provides a count on the number of courses the student has repeated.  The chevron would provide the names of those courses.
  3. Provides a count on the number of courses the student has withdrawn from.  The chevron would provide the names of those courses.
  4. Provides a count on the number of success markers the student has missed.  (Success Markers are defined by Academic affairs)
  5. Provides the student’s overall Cumulative GPA
  6. Total Credits Earned to date by the student
  7. Credit Completion % at this institution tells you the percentage of the credits were completed 
  8. Provides the students current Major.  If the student has changed majors a chevron would allow the user to unfold to see the majors prior
  9. This is the student's student ID
  10. Classification defines the students current class level i.e. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior
  11. Most recent enrollment lets the user see the latest time a student enrolled for courses
  12. Category is system defined to provide information on the type of student.  Examples:  Instate Resident, Out of State, First Generation, FIRE, Athlete, Military, International.  These can be used in searches
  13. Tags are system defined and can be applied to students primarily for reporting purposes
  14. Enrollment status defines the time to which the student has enrolled
  15. Enrollment Goal tell us the students plans for degree level

Success Markers Tab:

  1. Success markers are still being defined by the Academic Affairs team and will be available soon.  They will assist advisors with identifying At Risk Students.
  2. GPA Trends By Term allows the user to see how the student is trending in regard to GPA by Term and Overall at the University
  3. Credit Trends by Term allows the user to see the credit load attempted per term

History Tab:

  1. Notes about "Student" is an area that advisors can look back at previous notes that have been created against this student.
  2. Alerts/Referrals for "Student" will be where any alerts/referrals created against this student would be stored
  3. Progress Reports for "Student" will be where advisors and Faculty can access progress reports that have been previously generated
  4. Appointment Summaries for "Student" is where past advising notes created by advisers can be found for historical reference.
  5. "Student's" Recent Visits To The Student Support Centers will list any entries made for the student for appointments in support centers

Class Info Tab:





  1. Number of Credits Earned
  2. Course ID
  3. ‘instructional type’ as coded in Banner. For example, A is a ‘Lecture’ course
  4. Course name
  5. Grade earned
    1. TCR: Transfer Credits.  show in the list of course details, and count in the total credits earned
    2. IP:  In Process.  Usually the registrars office is still investigating.  show in the list of course details, but do not count in the total credits earned.
  •  Classes This Term will list out the specific students courses they are enrolled in for the current term.  Advisers can use the Actions menu here to send a message to a professor regarding the specific student
  • Assignments This Term list out any specific work/projects given to the student by a professor or support center that has been recorded in the system
  • Term Details allows the user to see for each term the student was enrolled the Course and grade received.  To the right will be a summary of the term.  Below this information will display the student SAT Scores, High School GPA and High School Attended.

Items under the More Tab:

Calendar:  This will display the students schedule with specific courses for specific dates and times.

Study Hall:  Not all areas are using study hall functionality.  Those that do would be able log information regarding the student's study hall requirements

Appointments:  This is where Future/Recent/No Show appointments would be reflected for the respective student.

Conversations:  This area will be where any communication with the student through Navigate would be stored.  i.e. Campaign emails, appointment confirmations, general notifications


This will help understand the different areas of the student profile and define the information contained within.

Need additional help?

Please fill out the EAB (Navigate) web form with as much information as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

For additional Training please visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Docs & Training site.



Article ID: 1792
Fri 7/19/19 6:21 PM
Wed 12/4/24 12:16 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)