EAB Navigate360: Using the History Tab to Access Student Appointment Reports & Notes


This article will cover using the History Tab to access past notes and report details for a student in Navigate.


Task: This article will cover using the History Tab to access past notes, cases, progress reports and report details for a student in Navigate.


To access past information and notes from previous advising appointments, the user must access the student record within Navigate.  The user can do so by either selecting the student from their list of students (if the student is assigned to this adviser) or by using the Quick Search in the upper right found under the magnifying glass icon. By default all advisors can see appointment summary notes and are available to only that specific student.

History Tab

All Activity Types on a student is displayed in one area, listed in order of entry from newest to oldest. Users can scroll through and see all content types, author, and dates of entry in one area. An example of the display is below.

Use filters to help narrow down the type of activity you are looking for.


At a quick glance, time, location will display. The 'View Details' option will allow users to expand the details of the specific entry.

History Viewing Options

User can select the filters to only show that specific content to display.

By default the system expands all activities to view time, location and type.  Users can use the "View As" to the right to filter out and display only the Activity Type selected

Notes: This area contains notes users have entered about the student that are typically not academic in nature.  This should be "nice to know" information. 

  • Notes are listed from most recent to oldest.
  • NOTE: Any record created by Legacy Advisor, tells us that these notes were imported from the previous system and the user that created them does not have a Navigate account.

Cases: cases are not currently be used within the application.

Alerts/Referrals: alerts are generated on the student based on Progress Reports.  If the student is flagged for one reason or another from a Progress Report, an alert is generated and is associated with the student.

Referrals: can be made anytime by an Advisor or Professor who is concerned about the student for any number of reasons and can refer them to the correct resource on campus

Progress Reports: Progress Reports are sent out to faculty around week 5 of the semester for specific courses mainly gateway courses that will allow faculty to flag any student at risk for a number of reasons.  Students that were included in a Progress Report that report would will be present.

Appointment Summaries: This area will contain any summaries/reports that have been created by a advisor regarding an academic conversation with that student. Notes are listed from most recent to oldest.

Visits to Support Centers: This is not currently being used by UNH.



Users can expect knowledge of using the History Tab to access past notes and report details for a student in Navigate.


Need additional help?

Please fill out the EAB (Navigate) web form with as much information as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

For additional Training please visit the Teaching & Learning Technologies training site.



Article ID: 1793
Fri 7/19/19 6:21 PM
Wed 12/4/24 12:17 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)