Canvas: Grade Post Policies


This article describes how to set the default grade post policy in the course gradebook for all assessments in the course or only individual assessment.


Task: The Canvas gradebook offers the option to set a default for automatically hiding or showing grades to students.  The default setting can be set for the entire gradebook or for individual assignments. The course level grade policy settings are located in the gradebook by selecting the Cog wheel while individual assessment grade policy settings are located in the assessment grade column under the menu list.


Automatically posted grades means that when grades and comments are entered the student immediately sees their grade and any comments.

Manually posted grades means that the grades and comments are hidden until the instructor manually un-hides the grades.  When the Manually posted grades option is selected, the grade column headings displays the word Manual.  When grades are entered the visibility "Eye" icon appears indicating grades are hidden.   When grading is complete instructors can select the column heading Ellipsis (3 dots) to open the menu and select Post Grades.  The  Post Grades sidebar opens to the posting grade options.

WARNING:  You can not hide grades within the Speedgrader, until you enter at least one grade.  Go to the gradebook and select set the Manually posted grades option for that gradebook column.

WARNING:  If you have already entered grades in the grade column, a Hide Grades option appears. This will hide previously entered grades but doesn't hide grades entered after it is selected. The intent for the Hide Grades option is to hide existing grades.

Steps to setup the Grade Posting Policy for all assessments in the gradebook

This option is also available to assign to individual columns under the column header, select the Grade Post Policy, then start with Step #3 to complete the setup.

  1. In the gradebook, select the Cog wheel located to the right of the gradebook.
  2. Select the Grade Posting Policy tab.  
  3. The default setting is "Automatically Post Grades" which means student will see grades as soon as they are added to the gradebook.
  4. If you want the default setting to be "Manually Post Grades" then select the radial button. This will hide grades until the instructor manually posts the grades.
  5. Select Update to save changes.

Steps to Post Grades

Enter your grades for the assessment and then post the grades to allow students to view grades.

  1. Select gradebook column header Kabob menu icon to open Menu list options.  
  2. Select Post Grades
  3. The Post Grades sidebar indicates the number of submissions graded but not posted. A dot displays next to the student submissions. Grades can be posted to all students or for only students with graded submissions. If this is a combined course, then grades can be posted by section. Select the options in the Sidebar and then select Post Grades for the grades to be visible to students.               

Steps to Comment before Student Grades are Submitted

Enter comments for the assessment and then post to allow students to view comments before grading.

  1. Choose gradebook column, student grade box, and select arrow to open option menu list.  
  2. Enter comments and select submit.
  3. Choose gradebook column header Ellipsis (3 dots) menu icon to open Menu list options.
  4. Select Post Grades to make comments visible to students. 

View or change status of Posted Grades

Once you have posted the grades the "Eye" icon disappears and students can see grades.   

  1. To re-hide grades or verify the status of the posted grades select the Kabob menu icon to open the Gradebook column menu.
  2. Hide Grades indicates the grades are posted.  To change the status to hidden or unposted, select the Hide Grades option.
  3. To hide the grades, in the Gradebook Sidebar, select the Hide grades button.


Users should be able to understand the Canvas gradebook option to set a default for automatically hiding or showing grades to students and the course level grade policy settings.

Further reading:

How do I select a grade posting policy for a course in the Gradebook?

How do I select a grade posting policy for an assignment in the Gradebook?

How do I post grades for an assignment in the Gradebook?

Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request. 



Article ID: 1977
Wed 8/28/19 5:14 PM
Wed 8/7/24 1:18 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)