EAB Navigate360: Adding Details (Notes) to a Student without an Appointment


This article will cover the steps to add Summary Details to an appointment that was not scheduled using Navigate.


Task: This article will cover the steps to add Summary Details to an appointment that was not scheduled using Navigate.


  1. Locate the student's record by using the list of assigned students or the Quick Search in the upper right.
  2. Once in the student's record, Use the "Report on Appointment" link on the right 

Report an Appointment tab in a student's record

  1. Fill in the following information:  Care Unit, Location, Service, Course (if required), meeting type, Meeting start and end time, Appointment Summary

  1.  Once complete click the "Save this Report" icon in the lower right
  2. Notes are visible by the advisor and student as well as other advisors/faculty advisors keeping everyone informed on student progress


Users will be able to add details of to an appointment that was not scheduled in Navigate.

Further reading:

Information on FERPA

Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information. 



Article ID: 2076
Wed 11/13/19 11:10 AM
Wed 12/4/24 12:29 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)