Turnitin: Canvas Student Guide - Submitting an Assignment using the Turnitin's originality tool


This article describes how to submit a course assignment that has Turnitin enabled as well as how to read the originality report.



This article describes how to submit a course assignment that has Turnitin enabled as well as how to read the originality report.


To Submit an Assignment:

  1. In your course, locate the assignment.
  2. Select "Choose file" and upload your paper.
  3. Add Comments if desired.
  4. Check the box next to "I agree to the tool's End-User License Agreement".  Checking this box means you acknowledge the submission is your own original work. You will not be able to submit the assignment unless this box is checked.
  5. Review the submission and click Submit Assignment.


Note:  Supported file types include: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), WordPerfect and plain text.


Access the report results:

Turnitin's software will generate a report about your submission. This report may be available to you dependent on what your Instructor has chosen for settings, these can be configured per assignment:

  • Immediately after submission
  • After the assignment has been graded
  • After the due date
  • Never

You will see the report icon when the report has finished. There are 2 ways to locate the assignment and view the report.  If the Assignment link is available, click on the assignment and you will see a plagiarism score icon at the top of the screen. You can also go to Grades and click on the assignment to open the assignment or click on the Turnitin report icon. Wherever you access the assignment from, click on the Turnitin report icon to read the report details.    

If the instructor has the option to check the submission after the due date, then the submission is checked again against other submissions by student's within the same course. If a paper matches another student's submission, then the Turnitin could update to reflect the results.

Similarity score results:

  • Light Blue:   0%  matching text
  • Dark Blue:   1-24% matching text
  • Yellow:        25-49% matching text
  • Orange:      50-74% matching text
  • Red:           75-100% matching text


See below for the link to Turnitin's articles:


Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request. 



Article ID: 2088
Tue 12/10/19 11:38 AM
Thu 1/2/25 12:23 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)