This article describes the merits of using Google and how to make a request for accounts at Plymouth.
Task: Users will understand the merits of using Google Drive and how to make a request for accounts.
Google Drive Information
With Google Drive, you can create word documents, spreadsheets and even presentations that are saved automatically on Google's remote servers, and can be shared and edited by multiple people. It's even available as a mobile application for accessing and editing your files on the go.
Requesting a Google Account at Plymouth State
If you are a faculty member and would like to request Google account for your class, please submit a Request Form or email with ATTN: Google Workspace Admins included. You will also need to provide a list of students the required fields you should provide within your request are First Name, Last Name, username with appended These can be one off, or bulk requests.
Users will be able to understand Google and make requests for Google account at Plymouth State.
Need additional help?
For additional training, please visit the Teaching & Learning Technologies Training site or contact the ET&S Help Desk team on your local campus.