SharePoint/Teams: Syncing Files to a Folder on your Computer


You can synchronize your Microsoft SharePoint and Teams files to a folder on your computer allowing you to work directly in File Explorer and access files even when you're offline. If you make changes to a file while off line those files are automatically synchronized when you go back online. You no longer need to copy files to and from your sites to your computer, so your files are always up to date.



This article outlines the procedure of Syncing Files to a Folder on your Computer.



You can synchronize your Microsoft SharePoint and Teams files to a folder on your computer allowing you to work directly in File Explorer and access files even when you're offline. If you make changes to a file while off line those files are automatically synchronized when you go back online. You no longer need to copy files to and from your sites to your computer, so your files are always up to date.

Follow the link to the task you want to achieve:



Task: To set up syncing from a folder on a computer. 



Step 1 - On the Microsoft 365 app launcher, select SharePoint or Teams, and then select the site with desired files. 

Step 2 - Select Documents or navigate to the desired folder to sync.

Step 3 - Select Sync.


  • This only needs to be done once to set up syncing on a computer. After you set up syncing, the files sync automatically.
  • To sync the files on another computer, go to that computer, and follow these steps again.

Screenshot showing Sync button on a SharePoint library.







Step 4 - If the browser requests permission to use Microsoft OneDrive, click OK.

Important: If a screen appears stating "Which library do you want to sync?", your site hasn't been set up to sync with the OneDrive sync app. If your screens don't look like the ones in this article, see Sync SharePoint files with the OneDrive sync app (Groove.exe), or contact your IT department.

Screenshot showing sync folders for OneDrive and sites.











The files then sync to a folder on your PC that has the name of your organization (for example, %userprofile%\Contoso). This folder is automatically added to the left pane in File Explorer. 



  • You can now sync IRM-protected SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive files in your work or school account. If you’re currently syncing an IRM-protected location using the Transition from the previous OneDrive sync app, stop syncing it with that sync app first. Then, install the Rights Management Service (RMS) client. When that finishes, open the SharePoint or Teams location or OneDrive in your browser, and to begin syncing it with the sync app, select Sync
  • If you see a lock icon on synced files in File Explorer, it means the files are synced read-only. You might not have permission to edit the files, or the library might require checkout or have required columns or metadata. If you change the files on your computer, the changes won’t sync.
  • You can't move OneNote notebooks from one site to another on your computer, and if you move other Office files between sites, version history will be lost. To move Office files, go to the site, and use the Move to or Copy to command.
  • If a site name includes a character such as “:” that isn’t supported in folder names in Windows, files on the site can’t be synced.
  • If you used the previous OneDrive for work or school sync app the folder structure for your synced folders might change when you begin syncing with the sync app. On computers with older versions of Windows where you used the previous OneDrive sync app, you may see an old "SharePoint" or "Teams" folder under Favorites in File Explorer. To remove the extra "SharePoint" or "Teams" folder, right-click and select Remove.


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Task: To change the folders that sync for a site, or to stop syncing all files on a site.



Step 1 - Select the blue OneDrive cloud icon in the Windows task bar notification area.

OneDrive SyncClient with blue cloud and white cloud icons




  • If the OneDrive cloud icon is not visible, select the Show hidden icons arrow The Show hidden icons button. next to the notification area for the OneDrive icon to appear.
  • If the icon doesn't appear under Show hidden icons, OneDrive might not be running. Select Start, enter OneDrive in the search box, and then select OneDrive in the search results.

Windows system tray with arrow indicating hidden icons




Step 2 - Select Help & Settings > Settings.

Step 3 - To see a list of all your syncing sites, select the Account tab.

Screenshot of account settings in the OneDrive sync client.


















Step 4 - To change the folders that is syncing, select Choose folders for that library, then select the desired folders to sync. To stop syncing a site, select Stop sync next to the site.



Files in these folders will be automatically synced to OneDrive. The original copy of these files will remain on you computer. 

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Need additional help?

For assistance concerning site creation, content sharing, file synchronization, or other common SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, or Office app activities, we recommend our Microsoft 365 Learning sites:

Learn more about the great tools our Microsoft 365 Learning sites offer!

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  



Article ID: 3178
Thu 10/29/20 4:59 PM
Thu 4/25/24 11:13 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office