Canvas (myCourses) - User Roles and Permissions


This article describes the different course-level roles that can be assigned to users in Canvas (myCourses) and the permissions associated with each. Roles and permissions varying by USNH institution.


Task: This article describes the different course-level roles that can be assigned to users in Canvas (myCourses) and the permissions associated with each. Roles and permissions varying by USNH institutions. 



Each institution has its own set of course-level roles available to a user. Role permissions are course-based; therefore, multiple roles can be assigned to a user without conflict. Select your institution below to learn more about the roles and permissions available.

Plymouth State University

Plymouth State has the following course-level roles available.

PSU Help Desk can help facilitate the adding of an observer or other role to their course

Grading Assistant (GA) 
All the same permissions as Teacher except without access to publish or un-publishing a course and add or remove students, teachers, TAs, and designers. 

Teaching Assistant (TA) 
Same permissions as the Grading Assistant role except without the ability to perform any course grading functions.

The role has access to assist with building a course but cannot add or remove students, teachers, TAs, and designers, send messages to anyone in the course, perform grading functions, and view user information such as email or user-name. 


The role has access to view content and discussions in a course. 

Click here for the full list of permissions by role for PSU


University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire and the College of Professional Studies Online has the following course-level roles available. 

UNH faculty have the permission necessary to add or remove students, teachers, TAs, and designers. 

Teaching Assistant (TA) 
Similar permissions as the Teacher including the ability to grade; however, this role does not have access to publish or un-publish courses, manage groups, or add or remove teachers, TAs, and designers.

The role is used for students to support other students therefore it has permissions to view content, but no access to building content, grading, or user management.

Academic Advisor 
The role has access to view course content and discussions, course analytics, and view grades. A common use case is for an Academic Advisor needing to view student progress in a course.

Learning Assistant  
Same permissions as the Teaching Assistant role except without the ability to perform any course grading functions.

The role has access to assist with building a course but cannot add or remove TAs and designers, send messages to anyone in the course, perform grading functions, and view user information such as email or username. 


Same permissions as the student role and is used in courses where students are receiving mentorship by another student. An example is a large enrollment core required course broken into learning communities. The mentor is assigned to a group to assist students through the learning path.

The role has access to view content and discussions in a course. 

Click here for the full list of permissions by role for UNH


Keene State College

Keene State has the following course-level roles available:


KSC faculty are not add or remove students or any other user role to their Canvas course roster.  

This role has the same rights as the teacher role but is unable to view the gradebook.  A person with this role can download files and copy all content into another Canvas course.

The role has access to assist with building a course including assessments but does not have access to the gradebook or student submissions. 

Teaching Assistant (TA) 
Similiar to the teacher role but it cannot grade, view assessment submissions or view the gradebook.

This role is only available to graduate students after completing the mandatory FERPA training and permission from the Dean.

The role is used for students to support other students therefore it has permissions to view content, but no access to building content, grading, or user management. 

The Office of Disability Services oversees this role which allows student notetakers to upload class notes to a Canvas course. 

Department Manager 
This role has the same rights as the teacher role but can also add and remove users from the Canvas roster and is used exclusively for non-academic courses. 

This role can only view materials published in modules but cannot view any assessments such as quizzes, assignments, or discussion posts.

Click here for the full list of permissions by role for KSC



After this article, users will be able to describe the different course-level roles that can be assigned to users in Canvas (myCourses) and the permissions associated with each. Roles and permissions varying by USNH institutions. 


Further reading:

Click here for the full list of permissions by role for KSC

Click here for the full list of permissions by role for PSU

Click here for the full list of permissions by role for UNH


Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request.  



Article ID: 3883
Wed 2/24/21 1:27 PM
Thu 3/7/24 2:50 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)