KSC: Using Audio Only in Redfern Arts 120


This is a step by step guide to show you how to broadcast audio in Redfern Arts 120 when not using a device with an HDMI connection.



This is a step-by-step guide to show you how to play audio in Redfern Arts 120 on the main system. Specifically when not using a device with an HDMI connection, or when wanting to play only audio and not show visual signal.

Note: if your device does have an HDMI connection, and you are okay with sharing a visual signal as well, you can play audio using the provided HDMI cable that is available inside the cart. If this does not include you, please continue reading this article.



Task: To play only audio in Redfern Arts Music classrooms 120.


Step 1 - First things first, before turning on the system or plugging in, make sure your device is ready to start playing media.

Step 2 - Check to see if your device has a headphone input on it. This input will be similar to what is pictured below. Some laptops will mark the input with the headphone icon which is also pictured below. 

  • If your device DOES NOT have this input, you may need to connect an audio port adapter to your device before you can continue. If you connect an adapter, follow the steps below normally.
  • If you do not have the port or an adapter, you cannot use the audio-only function


Step 3 - Next, you’ll need to locate the audio cord, commonly referred to as a headphone jack. (Pictured below)


Step 4 - To locate the audio cord, find the coiled group of wires that are coming from the side of the cabinet, all collected in the same sleeve. They should be hanging from the side of the cabinet.

  • The audio cord can be found in this coil, most likely wrapped around the others.

Step 5 - ​​​​​​​Connect this to your device, and you should be ready to broadcast audio!

Step 6 - If you find that the audio isn’t coming through, continue reading steps until you hear sound. Test after each step.

Step 7 -​​​​​​​ Check the amplifier/receiver at the bottom of the closet (see picture below)


Step 8 - Press the button labeled “LAPTOP”.

Step 9 - Increase volume via Volume Knob.

Step 10 - Check if “T-2 MONITOR” is displaying on the LCD (see red circle in the picture below)

  • If this option is active, no audio will be broadcast.
  • To deactivate it, simply press the “TAPE-2 MONITOR” button (see the blue circle in the picture above) next to the button labeled “LAPTOP”.
  • After that, press the button labeled “LAPTOP” once more to reselect your input.



Redfern Arts Music Classroom 120 is ready to play audio.


Further Readings

Using Audio Only in Redfern Arts 101 and 112


Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues, you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.



Article ID: 4203
Mon 9/20/21 2:19 PM
Fri 12/20/24 2:36 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)