UNH Canvas: Removing Inactive Students from Course


This article reviews the process of removing inactive students from a Canvas course.



 This article reviews the process of removing inactive students from a Canvas course. 



Task: This article reviews removing inactive students from a Canvas course. 



Note: Instructors should not remove an inactive student from a course if the inactivation occurs after a student has submitted work in the course.  If the student is re-activated at a later time, their work will also be restored.  These instructions apply to UNH Durham faculty only.

Remove a student from a UNH course:

  1. In the course, go to the People area.
  2. Locate the student's name and select the Ellipse (3 dots) on the right side.
  3. In the menu list, select Remove from Course.
  4. The student is no longer listed in the course.  Any work submitted by the student is also deleted.

In some circumstances, the student's status may be reactivated, in which case, if the student has participated in any assignments, discussions, quizzes, these activities will be restored.  

If you have setup Groups in your course, then you'll have to add new students to the designated group. Go to the course People area to access your Groups. You use the drag and drop functionality to move students into groups or to another group.

If you are using iClickers in your course, a student who is inactive will still appear in the Clicker roster.  When you synchronize your grades into Canvas, the system will ignore that student's name.


Faculty will understand how to remove inactive student users from their course. 


Need additional help?


Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  





Article ID: 4621
Wed 3/8/23 2:14 PM
Wed 2/19/25 3:51 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)