EAB Navigate360 - Conversations Overview


The Conversations page allows you to track messages you have sent to students and staff via Navigate360. It also allows you to open messages and take action/send replies on certain non-automated messages.



The Conversations page allows you to track messages you have sent to students and staff via Navigate360. It also allows you to open messages and take action/send replies on certain non-automated messages.


To enter My Conversations, click the icon on the left-hand sidebar:

There are three main parts of the My Conversations page: the List of Messages, the Filter/Search Bar, and the Actions Menu

List of Messages

The Conversations page is organized similarly to the arrangement of an email inbox, with a list of messages arranged in order from most recently sent to least. Within each entry, you are able to view high level information about the message, including the sender, the topic, and the date sent.

When I user receives a new message, the envelope icon in the top left of the page will present a number based on the unread messages

Working with Grids: Actions Buttons

You can take action on a message either from a row action or by selecting messages and clicking the Mark as Read button at the top of the Conversations grid.

The Mark as Read button at the top of the grid can be used for a single message or by selecting multiple messages to mark as read.

Using the Tool bar in the upper right corner allows users to manipulate the views on page.  There is a Columns Manager, View Sort Manager and View Grid Settings

Columns Manager allows you to select which columns  you would like to be present on your Conversations page.  Using the check boxes you can turn columns on or off as needed. 

View Sort Manager allows you to set sort rules based on your preference to see messages on your Conversations page.

View Grid Settings allows you to freeze the first row, so as you scroll down the first row remains in place so you can see the column header names.

Email Capture:

Email Capture will log email messages sent from Navigate360 to students. When a student replies to the email sent from Navigate360 from the (staff, faculty, advisor), this will be captured in the conversation history in the Navigate360 Platform. Enabling Email Capture allows Navigate360 to save a record of initial messages as well as when a student replies to that email from the Navigate360 platform.

Email Capture WILL:

  • Allow for emails sent from the Navigate360 platform from faculty, staff, advisors to a student to be saved in the student’s conversation tab in the Navigate360 platform
  • Allow for an email sent by the student ONLY in response to faculty, staff, advisor Navigate360-initiated email, to be captured in the student conversation tab in the Navigate360 platform

Email Capture WILL NOT:

  • Allow students to email staff, faculty, advisors from Navigate360 directly
  • Capture any messages or emails OUTSIDE of the Navigate360 platform to be saved or recorded in the Navigtate360 platform

Need additional help?


Please fill out the EAB (Navigate) web form with as much information as possible, or contact the ET&S Help Desk team on your local campus.

For additional Training visit the Teaching and Learning Technologies Training site




Article ID: 4869
Thu 2/22/24 1:47 PM
Tue 9/3/24 8:39 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)