Teams Meetings: Meeting Recording – Explicit Consent Required


Teams Meetings recordings now require explicit consent from attendees.



Starting October 22, 2024, Teams meetings that involve recording or transcription will require explicit consent from all participants. When recording or transcription starts, attendees will receive a popup prompt to give their consent.

This applies to all Teams applications including Windows, Mac, Web, and Mobile. Teams Rooms are not impacted by this change.

This setting enhances transparency, privacy, and security compliance for all Teams meeting attendees. 


What To Expect

As a meeting organizer or presenter:

When the meeting organizer (or a presenter) starts a meeting with explicit consent enabled and attempts to record, Teams highlights the need to gain attendee consent before it allows recording to start (Figure 1).

Organizer prompt for meeting recording

Figure 1: Teams warns about the need for explicit consent before it allows recording to start. When recording starts, attendees see that Teams disabled their microphone and video on the join screen.

As a meeting attendee: 

After joining the call, Teams informs attendees that they must consent to be recorded. To start the consent process, attendees must unmute their audio or turn on their camera (Figure 2).


Figure 2: The warning after an attendee joins a meeting that they need to consent for recording. Unmute or turn on camera to consent.

The final step is for the attendee to give explicit consent (Figure 3). When this happens, Teams enables their microphone, camera, and screen sharing capability.


Figure 3: How attendees give explicit consent for Teams recordings


What If I Don't Want to Consent?

Attendees who do not consent will still be able to view the meeting but will have a view-only experience, meaning they cannot unmute, turn on their camera, or share content.

Further Readings

Explore All Microsoft Teams Content on Learning Pathways 


Need additional help?

For assistance concerning site creation, content sharing, file synchronization, or other common SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, or Office app activities, we recommend our Microsoft 365 Learning sites:

Learn more about the great tools our Microsoft 365 Learning sites offer!

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.  



Article ID: 5030
Mon 9/23/24 10:25 AM
Wed 9/25/24 8:59 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office