TeamDynamix: How to Create, Run, Edit, and Schedule Ticket Reports



This article covers basic steps required to create, run, edit, and schedule custom TeamDynamix ticket reports. Custom reports are useful to gather detailed information about tickets, and columns and filters can be finely tuned. For example, users can create a report for tickets created in a certain time frame, view metrics on tickets, or check the values of custom attributes on specific tickets. These reports can be scheduled to be sent via email or added to an application desktop.

Support Specialists with access to TDNext can create custom reports.




Create a Report Folder

Reports in TeamDynamix are organized by folders. Before creating a report, create a report folder. If there is an existing folder to store the report in, please skip this section.

Step 1 - Log in to TDNext and click on the tab for your ticketing application (e.g. ESM).

Step 2 - Click + Report, and Report Folder.


Step 3 - Fill in the Name and Description (Optional) of the Report Folder. A clear, easy to understand name is recommended (e.g. "ET&S Security Team Reports")

Step 4 - Set the visibility of the folder:

  • Just Me: The report folder is only visible to yourself.
  • Owner and these People/Groups: The report folder is visible to yourself and to others selected. Groups or individuals can be selected. Search directly in the Users/Groups field, or click the magnifying glass icon to open a search window, select users/groups, and click Insert Checked.

Step 5 - Click Save at the top of the window.

Step 6 - Close the window.



Create a Ticket Report

Step 1 - In TDNext, click on the tab for your ticketing application (e.g. ESM).

Step 2 - Click + Report, and Report.


Step 3 - Click Ticket Report.

Step 4 - Fill in the Name and Description (optional) of your report.

Step 5 - Select the columns that you would like to see. Some common options are:

  • ID - The ticket ID
  • Institution - The institution listed on the ticket (UNH, PSU, KSC, USNH)
  • Title - The title of the ticket
  • Requestor - The person requesting the ticket
  • Prim Resp - The primary responsible person, if any, for the ticket
  • Resp Group - The responsible group for the ticket
  • Created - The date and time that the ticket was created

To see all of the column options and their details, click the Help button:


Step 6 - Add filtering to your report. In the Column field, select the criteria to filter the report by, then in the Operator field, select the condition. Finally, select the Value of the filter. Repeat until all desired filters are added.

Some examples include:

  • Filtering the report by the primary responsible group(s) of the ticket:
    • Column: Prim Resp Group
    • Operator: is one of
    • Value: Select desired group(s)
  • Filter the report by institution(s):
    • Column: Institution
    • Operator: is one of
    • Value: Select desired institution(s). More than one option can be selected by pressing ctrl (Windows) or CMD (Mac) while clicking.
  • Filter the report by tickets created in the last month:
    • Column: Created
    • Operator: last month
    • Value: N/A

By default, TeamDynamix will search for tickets that match all of the filters specified. More complex logic can be added by clicking the Show Advanced button and using AND or OR filters.
Using the examples above, a report searching for tickets created last month with either the specified responsible group or institution can be accomplished by entering "(1 OR 2) AND 3" in the Advanced Filter field.
More information about advanced filtering can be found on TeamDynamix's Using Custom Reports KB article.

Step 7 - If desired, order the results by a column (e.g. ticket created date) and set the maximum number of results.

Step 8 - Select a report folder under Choose a report folder.

Please make sure to add reports to report folders. This helps organize reports for all users and with locating reports.

Step 9 - Set the visibility of the report under Owner and Visibility:

  • Just Me: The report is only visible to yourself.
  • Owner and these People/Groups: The report is visible to yourself and to others selected. Groups or individuals can be selected. Search directly in the Users/Groups field, or click the magnifying glass icon to open a search window, select users/groups, and click Insert Checked.

Step 10 - If desired, select a chart type under Add a chart.

Step 11 - Under Desktop delivery, choose how you would like the report to appear on TeamDynamix desktops.

  • The Show options allow you to see the results as a grid or as a chart. Only one option can be selected.
  • Page Size determines the number of rows that will be shown on the desktop per page, if grid is selected.

Step 12 - Click on Save to save the report, or Save and Run to run the report.


Run a Ticket Report

Step 1 - Log in to TDNext and click on the tab for your ticketing application (e.g. ESM).

Step 2 - In the left-hand pane, scroll to the desired report folder. Click on the desired report.

Step 3 - Click on Run Report.


Edit a Ticket Report

Step 1 - Log in to TDNext and click on the tab for your ticketing application (e.g. ESM).

Step 2 - In the left-hand pane, scroll to the desired report folder. Click on the desired report. Note: Only reports which you own can be edited.

Step 3 - Click on Actions > Edit.

Step 4 - Edit the report as desired, then click Save or Save and Run.


Schedule a Ticket Report

Step 1 - Log in to TDNext and click on the tab for your ticketing application (e.g. ESM).

Step 2 - In the left-hand pane, scroll to the desired report folder. Click on the desired report.

Step 3 - Click on Actions > Edit.

Step 4 - Scroll to the bottom of the report. Under Email Delivery, click Add.

Step 5 - Select the interval, time, format, and recipients of the scheduled report. Select the following options if desired:

  • Include non-TDNext group members in the recipients: Allows non-backend users to receive the results of the report.
  • If the report has no result, send the report anyway: Sends an email even if the report contains no results.
  • Active: Whether the report delivery is active. If unchecked, the scheduled report will not send.

Step 6 - Click Save. The window will automatically close.

Step 7 - Click Save.


Delete a Report

Step 1 - Log in to TDNext and click on the tab for your ticketing application (e.g. ESM).

Step 2 - In the left-hand pane, scroll to the desired report folder. Click on the desired report. Note: Only reports which you own can be deleted.

Step 3 - Click on Actions > Delete.

Need additional help?

Contact TeamDynamix Application Administration to request TeamDynamix support or training:





Article ID: 5130
Fri 1/24/25 5:06 PM
Wed 2/5/25 12:22 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office