Purpose: How to request support from the USNH Learning Space Technologies group
Intended Audience: The USNH community |
Environment: All USNH Campuses |
Scope of Article: The Learning Space Technology group manages classroom and learning space technology at all USNH campuses.
USNH Learning Space Technologies support can assist with:
- Reporting a problem in a classroom or learning space
- Requesting a training session on using the technology in your room
- Answering questions or providing details about your classroom or learning space
To report non-emergency issues, or ask questions about your classroom or learning space:
Submit a TeamDynamix support request here: https://td.usnh.edu/TDClient/60/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=183
Support tickets will be responded to within one business day.
If you require IMMEDIATE assistance in a classroom, please contact the applicable phone number instead of submitting a ticket:
Keene State - 603-358-2525, press 1
Plymouth State - 603-535-2525, press 1
UNH Durham - 603-862-2467
UNH Manchester - 603-641-4357
UNH Law - 603-513-5127