AV Technology Enhanced Classrooms Fee


This article describes when the AV technology fee is applied and how much the fee is.


The following policies will be in effect beginning January 1, 2017 for all Supertech (TEC+), TEC, and LaRC, and Hands-On Classrooms (Hewitt 301, Kingsbury N134, MUB DL) controlled by the UNH Academic Technology and/ or UNH Registrar’s Office.

The use of audiovisual and computer equipment permanently installed Registrar controlled and Academic Technology controlled classrooms shall be available at no charge to Faculty and staff for internal UNH use.

Examples of internal use:

    •    Registrar Courses (CRN #)
    •    Internal Departmental and College meetings (Does NOT apply to Hands-On Classrooms)
    •    Student presentations for Master’s Theses, Doctoral Dissertations, and Registrar Courses
    •    Events held by UNH Recognized Student Groups

To use the technology in the classrooms:

  1. The event scheduler must register their event with the UNH Registrar’s Office.
  2. When requesting support with using the technology in these classrooms, an email to av.services@unh.edu with a confirmation number from the Registrar’s Office will demonstrate proof of registration.

Events that do not fall into the above categories will be accommodated under the UNH Audiovisual Services Technology Enhanced Classroom Events Policy below.  

Examples of events that do not fall under "Internal Use" include (but not limited to):
    •    Department conferences or meetings where members of the audience are from outside the university community.
    •    Student Groups using classroom for reasons not listed above
    •    ANY Conferences, Meetings, and other events where fee is charged for attendance.
Technology Enhanced Classroom Events Policy:

For all events that do not qualify as "Internal Use" the following fees apply:
    •    LaRC (Laptop Ready Classroom):  $149.66 per day
    •    TEC (Technology Enhanced Classroom): $149.66 per day
    •    SuperTEC (Technology Enhanced Classroom with built-in Computers):  $291.33 per day
    •    Hands-On Classroom (SuperTec Classroom plus computer-per-seat): $462.42 per day (hourly rates available)
*Weekly rates are available for all Technology Enhanced Classroom Rentals

A demonstration by an authorized Audiovisual Services Technician will be arranged to ensure that the equipment is operated to manufacturer’s specifications, that the room is returned to "normal" fashion for the next user, and that the investment in the equipment be maintained for the longest possible time period.

If, in our best judgment, the technical challenges involved in a particular presentation or series of presentations during the event requested are of a sufficiently difficult nature, we reserve the right to require a technician (i.e., no demonstrations will be allowed) at our normal hourly rate.

If the request to use the room is received more than 15 business days from the event, then Audiovisual Services will guarantee that a technician will be available (at the current AV Services labor rate).

If the request is received between 14 business days and 5 business days, then the Audiovisual Services staff will begin locating the appropriate technician immediately after the request, for 48 hours, and, if no technician can be found, AV Services reserves the right to:

    •    Recommend that the users schedule the room for a demonstration (charged at current hourly rate).
    •    Attempt to re-schedule the event outside of the 15-day business period.
    •    If the request is made within 48 hours of the event we will try to fill the request.
    •    We will attempt to find a technician (charged at current hourly rate plus a $50 rush charge).
    •    Ask the client to schedule a demonstration sometime within the 48-hour period at current hourly rate).
    •    Ask client to reschedule the event, or as the last measure, we reserve the right to refuse the event support.

 If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call the Audiovisual Services Department at 603-862-2467.



Article ID: 582
Fri 7/19/19 5:27 PM
Fri 5/31/24 4:23 PM