Canvas: Notification Preferences and Settings


This article describes how to change notification settings in Canvas.


Task: This article describes how to change notification settings in Canvas.


What are Notifications?

Notifications are messages that are automatically sent when there is a addition or change to some content within the course. Notifications are sent to your email and can controlled by updating the preferences.  Notifications preferences apply only to you and does not control how course updates are sent to other users.

This article describes how to change your Notification Preferences within Canvas. Notifications are sent through email to the address listed at the top of column. These settings apply to all your courses. It is recommended that you set your Notification preferences at the start of the semester.

Notification settings can be set at the Account level which sets the message frequency to be the same for all courses.  The Notification settings can also be set at individual course level. These instructions show how to access Notifications settings at the Account level.  To update course notifications, go to Further reading to read an article called "How to manage notifications for a single course".

Note:  Due to email changes you may have 2 or more email address listed in the your Notification Settings area.  This can result in you getting duplicate notifications.  Your preferred email should be your (Example - these notifications will automatically come into your Outlook Inbox.   You should turn off Notifications for any other email.  Follow the instructions below to set the Course Activities to "Notifications Off".    

How to change Notification Settings

  1. After signing in to Canvas, click on Account and then Notifications .
  2. If you would like to add an email or text (sms) to receive additional notifications at see:  Canvas: Adding a Preferred Email (or SMS)
  3. Review or edit the settings, located in the column that contains your default email address. Each notification option has four choices. (Depicted below.

Notification options in Canvas

  1. Click the check-mark to Notify Immediately. (These notifications may be delayed by 1 hour in case the instructor is making multiple updates to the same content.)
  2. Click the clock to Daily summary (usually sent after 11pm EST).
  3. Click the calendar to Weekly summary (sent every Saturday morning between 2 and 4am EST).
  4. Click the bell Notifications off to set it to not send any notifications.

These notification preferences can be set as desired, as they can help you succeed in your course. It is recommended that the Conversation (aka - Inbox and email) notices be kept on ASAP as this is important for reading the emails sent through Canvas. All notifications are delivered to the email address in the top-right corner on the Notifications page.


Users will be able to change notification settings within Canvas.

Further reading:


Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.



Article ID: 888
Fri 7/19/19 5:41 PM
Mon 8/12/24 3:44 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)