Canvas: How to Print Classic Quizzes or Tests


This article explains how to print a test in Canvas to paper or pdf file.


Task: This article explains how to print a test in Canvas to paper or pdf file if using Classic Quizzes


Canvas - How to Print a Classic Quiz

Use either Safari or Chrome browser to print a test with multiple pages. Firefox print option does not work using these instructions.

  1. Go to your Canvas course. 
  2. In the Quizzes section, locate the the test/quiz you want to print.
  3. Select the Preview Mode.  This opens the test in the "student view" with the questions and answer entry area listed.
  4. In the browser options, locate the print option (File > Print)   
  5. Using the browser print options, you can either print directly to a printer or to a PDF file.


If the test is set to open one question at a time, then the print option will only print the one question. To print the entire test, set the test options to show the entire test by making sure the "Show one question at a time" option is not selected and then print the test.  You can reset the test options to how you want the students to see the test.

New Quizzes does allow for printing quiz questions and quiz questions with the answer key.   New Quizzes can be printed to a printer or a word document.  You could convert your Classic Quiz to a New Quiz in order to print the quiz.   For more information about converting a Classic Quiz to a New Quiz see this Canvas Guide. How do I migrate a Canvas quiz to New Quizzes?

See this Canvas guide for how to print a New Quizzes quiz (exam) with questions and possible answers that used by a student.  How to print a new quizzes with questions and answers


User will be able to print a test in Canvas to paper or pdf file if using Classic Quizzes. 


Further reading:

How do I print a quiz in New Quizzes


Need additional help?

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information. 



Article ID: 903
Fri 7/19/19 5:41 PM
Wed 2/19/25 2:38 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)