Investigator Status Request

University policy defines “principal investigator (PI) or co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) status” as the eligibility to submit proposals for research, training, or public service contracts or grants to extramural agencies, subject to institutional approvals.  Please refer to the policy to determine if an Investigator Status Request Form should be submitted.


  1. A LETTER OF SUPPORT FROM SUPERVISOR, DEPARTMENT CHAIR, CENTER DIRECTOR, INSTITUTE DIRECTOR OR DEAN.  The letter should briefly address the relevant qualifications of the candidate for whom PI Status is being requested. The letter should also address the candidate’s availability to devote the time required for appropriate oversight and execution of the project.
  2. A copy of the applicant’s CV.
  3. Justification of the request.
  4. One page abstract and total proposed budget.
  5. Postdoctoral scholars, a mentoring plan/recommendation from supervisor confirming that the postdoc has appropriate training to meet the obligations of a PI or Co-PI.

Please note that postdoctoral scholars can only apply for one-time approval status.

In all cases, only the Senior Vice Provost for Research, Economic Engagement & Outreach or designee has the authority to approve exceptions to this policy.

Eligibility to serve as a PI on any specific proposal or award will be subject to any applicable sponsor-imposed rules or guidelines and confirmation that PI training has been taken.

All applications for Investigator status should be submitted, 20 days prior to submitting an Intent to Submit Form for the proposed project.