Request Point of Sale (POS) Device

This service is for departments that would like to accept payment cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover cards and debit cards) as a form of payment for tuition, goods and/or services, receipt of donations, credit noncredit courses, conferences, seminars, tickets and other approved institution related products.

Please read Procedure 10-010 USNH Payment Card data Security Procedure, prior to completing this application to make sure that your department will be able to comply with all the requirements listed in this procedure.

Submit the form available on this page.  Once the application has been approved, please allow at least five to seven business days prior to the desired “live” date. The information provided on this form will help you provide needed information to the USNH merchant services bank representative, American Express and Discover Business Services when setting up the new location.

For assistance or questions regarding this form, please contact your Campus Finance/Administration Office.