PCard Document Submission

DEPT. PCARD/REIMBURSEMENT SUBMISSION This form is for the sole use of Paul College faculty to submit and track progress to completion expense-related submissions (such as Dept. PCard receipt submission, conference travel reimbursements, recruiting meals, etc.)  *Do not use this form for any personal PCard reconciliation – it is ONLY FOR DEPT PCARD RECONCILIATION. This form requires the requestor to know the FUNDING SOURCE for their expense. Using this form for a request outside the scope of this form may result in delayed response and/or resolution for your request! FOR ALL REIMBURSEMENTS COMING FROM COLLEGE FUNDING SOURCES, please contact Pamela.Lovejoy@unh.edu


  • Approved Dept. PCard purchases
  • Approved dept funded travel or other approved expenses personally paid that are being requested to be reimbursed
  • All receipts meet approved standards (itemized breakdown, vendor branded, payment details, etc.)


Submit PCard Document


Service Offering Id: 14
Tue 5/7/24 1:42 PM
Fri 6/28/24 11:00 AM