Enterprise Encryption Services

Data encryption helps protect information by making it unreadable to unauthorized persons and processes in the event that your computer is lost or stolen. Encryption is an important protection if you or your department deals with legally regulated data or USNH confidential information, and particularly if you use a laptop or other mobile computer for your work.

For managed enterprise encryption, USNH uses:

  • On Windows 10 computers- BitLocker Drive Encryption, managed by Active Directory policy settings. BitLocker is already built into Windows 10 so no additional software is required.
  • On Apple computers- FileVault 2, managed by JAMF. FileVault 2 is already built into the MacOS but you will need to enroll your computer into JAMF management for full support.

There is no cost to encrypt computers for UNH/USNH employees.

For more information, please use this request form.

To request computer encryption, contact your assigned Desktop Support technician to arrange for an appointment. If you are currently using a 3rd-party encryption application, please indicate that in your request as it will need to be removed prior to configuring BitLocker or FileVault 2. Enabling and initiating encryption typically takes less than 20 minutes and you can work normally on your computer while it is being encrypted.

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Service ID: 169
Thu 12/14/17 10:14 AM
Mon 11/27/23 4:10 PM