SAS Annual License Renewal


A site license of SAS has been purchased for UNH faculty, staff, and students. This license allows unlimited installation of SAS by UNH faculty, staff, and students. This license must be renewed on an annual basis.

The SAS licenses expire at the end of July each year, but there is an extensive grace period during which the software will still function. SAS users should plan to upgrade their licenses late each summer to avoid problems during the academic year.



Task: To renew your SAS license

This procedure only needs to be performed once per year, but it must be done on every individual computer on which you use SAS.


Step 1 - Connect to the repository for the SAS License Files at UNH SAS License Files. This folder is accessible to all UNH account holders, but you may have to login with your UNH username and password to gain access.

Step 2 - Locate the license file for the version of SAS you have installed:

  • SAS 9.4 Winx86.txt - for Windows 32-bit installations of SAS 9.4.
  • SAS 9.4 Winx64.txt - for Windows 64-bit installations of SAS 9.4.
  • SAS 9.4 WinSVR.txt - for installations of SAS 9.4 on Windows Server 64-bit.
  • SAS 9.4 Linux.txt - for installations of SAS 9.4 on Linux.

Step 3 - Download the correct file to your computer. You can do so by clicking on the file name to display the file, and then clicking the Download link at the top of the page. Be sure to save the file to a convenient location such as your Downloads folder or Desktop.

Step 4 - Run the SAS Deployment Manager utility to renew the software.

  • This utility can be found in the SAS-installation-directory\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\.  (Likely C:\Program Files\SAS Home\SASDeploymentManager\9.4\ if defaults were chosen during installation.
  • Right click sasdm.exe and Run as administrator. 
  • Select Renew SAS Software and click Next.

Step 5 - In the SAS Deployment Manager, Apply SAS Foundation license file for renewal is selected by default.  Click Next.

Step 6 -  In the next window, enter the absolute path to the SID file for the SAS Foundation installation on this machine. Or use the Browse button to locate the file on your hard drive.

                For example:  C:\SAS 9.4 Winx64.txt. 

                Once chosen, click Next. 

Step 7 - Click Start.  A green check mark will be apply if the renewal is successful.  Click Next.

Step 8 - Click Finish.  



Your SAS license has been renewed for a year.

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Task: To test your SAS license

You can check your license expiration date with the following SAS commands.  

Enter the following commands in a SAS command window and then click the Submit button.

 proc setinit;



The    proc setinit   command will return the details of the SAS license in the SAS log.

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Further Readings

Installing SAS

Using SAS





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