Accessibility: Guidelines and Checklist


This article offers accessibility guidelines and a checklist for course materials.

UNH has an obligation under the law to ensure all students have access to course materials. Providing content with varied access modalities helps all students succeed, not just those with identified disabilities. It is easier to design accessible content upfront than it is to retrofit poor design, reactivity. Consider this checklist to create accessibility proactively.



  • Does your video have captions and audio have transcripts?
    • Videos that live outside of UNH: Instructors should search resources that have captions provided, for example Ted Talks, etc.
    • DVD: Instructors should not copy DVD’s into their course. It is a violation of copyright. Instructors should use services like Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, etc., or check with the library for options.
    • Lectures created by instructors: To make sure the lecture video aligns with the learning objectives, instructors should always make outlines of their lecture videos. This can efficiently help them manage the time of the lecture videos, as well.
    • All videos selected for the course should have strategic alignment with course or module learning objectives.
  • Do all your content images have alternative text?
  • Do all your documents in myCourses pages include accessible formatting?
  • Have you used color cues to deliver information? (Read Accessibility: Accessible Course Design for more detailed information).
  • Have you avoided using flash-based videos or webinars in your courses? 
  • Have you used descriptive link names in your courses?


Further Readings

Accessibility: Accessible Course Design

Video Captioning: Understanding Captioning and Caption Workflow

Kaltura: Captioning a Video 

UNH Course Review Accessibility Checklist (PDF Attachment) 


Campus Accessibility Resources

KSC Office of Disability Services 

PSU Campus Accessibility Services 

UNH Student Accessibility Services 


Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk Support page to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.