Downloading Software through Microsoft Azure for Education


UNH-CPS subscribes to Microsoft Azure for Education (formerly known as Microsoft Imagine Software / previously Dreamspark) to allow faculty and students to download Microsoft development software to be used for instructional purposes.


Downloading Software through Microsoft Azure for Education (PDF version attached)

Note: All software available via Microsoft Azure for Students is only compatible with Windows 10 or 11.

Software acquired through Microsoft Azure for Education is intended for currently enrolled students.  Licenses and activation status will only be maintained for active students.


Task:  To access Microsoft Azure for Education

Step 1 - On the computer where you want to install the software, open a web browser and go to:

Step 2 - Click Sign in (blue button)

Step 3 - If prompted for an account or email address, enter your, then sign in with your password and multi-factor authentication.

Step 4 - On the screen where it asks you for your information, leave the school name blank.  Fill in the rest of the fields and the puzzle at the bottom.

Step 5 - You will then receive a page where you need to certify your agreement to Azure’s terms. Click “yes,” and you will be informed you are accepted as a registered student. Click “next.”

Step 6 - Click the “Get started” tab at the top and you should see a screen similar to this:

Welcome to the Azure Education Hub screenshot with box around "Get started" tab at top and "Download software" button at bottom.

Step 7 - To view the list of available software, click the “Download software” blue button

  • Note: These buttons may move each time you log in, they may not be in the same location as the screen shot.

Step 8 - On the next screen you can either scroll through or search for software:

  • Note: You can search for parts of a file name like Project or Visio ("Project Professional" is an example)
  • If you are unsure of which software package to download, please reach out to your instructor

Sample Software search screen with search term "Project" and two results for "Project Professional"


Step 9 - Click on the software package you need

Step 10 - A new frame will open on the side of the screen.

Details of "Project Professional 2021 - DVD" software download page.

Step 11 - Click the download button to begin downloading the installer software

  • Note: the files are very large (usually 3.5-4GB) and can take a long time. The download can timeout or fail with slower connections. If this happens, please try to download the software from a location with higher internet speeds.

Step 12 - When the download is complete, access the file you just downloaded and click on it. The file is a disk image, and the file extension is .ISO. Double-click to open the .iso file and follow the installation instructions.

  • Note: Edge and Chrome will generally download into your downloads folder or will prompt you to identify a folder. Make a note of the file name and location.
  • Note: If double-clicking the file forces it to open in an unwanted application, right-click the file and open it with Windows Explorer.


Further Readings

Microsoft Azure for Education login link


Need additional help?

For additional Training please visit the Teaching & Learning Technologies Training site

To submit a support request, please fill out the Microsoft 365 Support webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk team on your local campus. For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person.

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Article ID: 2316
Thu 6/4/20 2:07 PM
Fri 4/19/24 4:03 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office