PSU SSB: Entering Grades - Faculty

Step 1. Log into

Step 2. Click on the Search field.

Step 3. Enter SSB (Self-Service PSU).


Step 4. Click on the Term Selection link that is located in the Self-Service channel.

Step 5. Select the term in which your course is being offered by clicking on the drop-down arrow.

Step 6. Click on the Submit button to save your choice.

Step 7. If you want a specific course then follow the "Select by CRN" instructions below. Otherwise continue to Step 8.

Step 8. Click on the Faculty Service link that is located in the Self-Service channel.

Step 9. The Faculty menu appears.

Step 10. Click on the Grades link that is located in the Faculty Services channel.

Step 11. Your courses should be displayed on the Faculty Grade Entry screen.

Step 12. Click on the triangle in the Grade box for an individual student to access the drop-down menu of available grades.

Step 13. Click on the grade earned by that student.

Step 14. Click on the triangle in the Grade box for the next student and repeat steps 1 & 2.

Step 15. Continue grading each student until complete.

Step 16. Click on the Submit Changes button at the bottom of the window.


Select by CRN

Step 1. Click on the "Select by CRN" link that is located in the Self-Service channel to access the drop-down menu.

Step 2. Click on the course title/CRN to select your course selection.

Step 3. Click on the Submit button to save your course selection.

Step 4. Go back to Step 8 above.



Additional options

To print a paper copy of this graded roster, click on the printer icon in the Toolbar at the top of the window.
To select another Term or CRN click on Term Selection or CRN Selection at the bottom of the window.
To return to the Faculty Services Menu, click on the Faculty Services link at the top of the window.

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Article ID: 2526
Fri 10/2/20 5:05 PM
Wed 12/20/23 3:31 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
Plymouth State University (PSU)