PSU - Adding Files to your Create Section

Tags PSU Faculty


 This article explains how to add files to an existing Mahara page. This article will be most helpful to PSU staff interested in adding new files to one of their pages.



Task: Add files to an existing Mahara page



Step 1 - Gather the information you'd like to include in your Portfolio Page(s) in digital format.

Step 2 - Click on Main Menu in the upper right side of the dashboard page indicated by horizontal lines.

Step 3 - Click on the down arrow next to Create title.

Step 4 - Click on the Files sub-title.

Step 5 - Upload files by checking the Upload file box and

Step 6 - Click the Choose Files button. (OR DRAG AND DROP FROM YOUR DESKTOP)

Step 7 - Find the file(s) you want from your computer and click Choose.

TIP: Rather than filling your Mahara drive space with large files, compress them when possible. Rather than upload video files to Mahara, use YouTube or similar service and embed the file on a Mahara Portfolio Page.

TIP: Create folders to organize your files by naming the folder in the text field next to the Create folder button. Click on Create folder. You can add files to the folder any time by clicking on the folder and uploading files. You may also add files that have already been uploaded by dragging the file icon into the folder.



Users should be able to add files to an existing Mahara page.


Need additional help?

Visit the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information or to submit an online technology support request.  For password issues you must call or visit the Help Desk in person. 

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Article ID: 2552
Fri 10/2/20 5:06 PM
Thu 5/2/24 8:27 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Plymouth State University (PSU)