UNH iClicker: Purchasing a Student Remote Polling Device


This article describes where and how a student purchases the iClicker device and instructions on where to register the iClicker device.


Task: This article describes where and how a student purchases the clicker device and/or a iClicker student app to use for Clicker polling sessions during class.

An image of an iClicker device







Purchasing a student remote device

Student remote devices (iClicker2) can be purchased new or used through the UNH bookstore.  Make sure you purchase the iClicker2 and not the iClicker+.  The purchase of a NEW iClicker2 device includes a FREE 5-year subscription to the iClicker student mobile app.   This free subscription does not apply when buying a used iClicker device.

Your iClicker2 should have the LCD display. (See graphic above)

Click on the link to access the UNH bookstore. In the search field enter clicker or iClicker student app to find the listing for the devices. The price for each item is listed with the description.

Instructions for registering your iClicker device:

Download the iClicker student mobile app, and login in to the app.   During the login process you will be prompted to register the iClicker device serial number.  Do not purchase the mobile app if you are only using a iClicker device.  Read this Kb article Getting the student mobile app on where and how to download the student mobile app.


You must register your iClicker device in the student mobile app.  Failure to register your iClicker device through your Canvas course can result in you not being assigned the points for your iClicker responses in the course.


Need additional help?

If you need assistance with your iClicker device or iClicker student app, you can visit the IT support desk in the Dimond Library.

Fill out the iClicker webform with as much detail as possible or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.



Article ID: 1243
Fri 7/19/19 5:56 PM
Fri 3/8/24 10:34 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)