Requesting a Tableau Server Account


This article includes instructions for both viewers and developers on how to request a Tableau server account. Tableau server accounts are available to those who develop data visualizations and those who interact with or view data visualizations that developers create. USNH faculty and staff who do not already have a Tableau server account can use the accounts request process to get access.



This article includes instructions for both viewers and developers on how to request a Tableau server account. Tableau server accounts are available to those who develop data visualizations and those who interact with or view data visualizations that developers create. USNH faculty and staff who do not already have a Tableau server account can use the accounts request process to get access. USNH maintains a secure server environment where departments can publish and share data visualizations with stakeholders at their institutions. 



Task: To request a Tableau server account as an interactor (viewer)



Access to content on Tableau server: Before requesting a Tableau account, please first contact the department/ developer who published the content you are interested in. Once you have discussed your needs with the department follow the steps below. (Faculty and staff who already have a Tableau server account may request access through a developer who will direct Tableau support staff to grant access to specific content.)

Step 1 - Navigate to

Step 2 - Log in with your Active Directory (AD) username and password.

Step 3Click the large green button to Add access.

Step 4Click "Request Access for Yourself".

Step 5Verify your personal information. Click Next.

Step 6Check the box for "Communication and Collaboration", then check the Tableau box. Click Next.

Step 7Select Interactor as the Tableau account type from the drop-down (Interactors browse to already-existing visualizations to use them). Enter a short description under business need outlining the content that you need access to. Click Next. 

Step 8Review the information and click Submit.

After your account request is processed, you must be connected to the VPN first and then you may access using the internet browser of your choice.



The Interactor (viewer) will be able to request a Tableau server account.

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Task: To request a Tableau server account as a developer (publisher)



Access to content on Tableau server: Before requesting a Tableau Developer account, please schedule an intake meeting using our support request form - Data Visualization (Tableau) > Request Support. Together, we will discuss your needs and devise a plan to allocate the proper resources.

Step 1Navigate to

Step 2Log in with your Active Directory (AD) username and password.

Step 3 Click the large green button to Add access.

Step 4Click "Request Access for Yourself"

Step 5Verify your personal information. Click Next.

Step 6Check the box for "Communication and Collaboration", then check the Tableau box. Click Next.

Step 7Select Developer as the Tableau account type from the drop-down (Developers build data sets and visualizations, which they can publish). Enter a short description under business need. Click Next.

Step 8Review the information and click Submit.

After your account request is processed, you must be connected to the VPN first and then you may access using the internet browser of your choice.



The developer (publisher) will be able to request a Tableau server account.

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Further reading

Troubleshooting Tableau Server Access Issues


Need additional help?

Please use this link to contact the Tableau Support Team. Use the “Request Support” button to enter a question or support request.  



Article ID: 1918
Fri 7/19/19 6:27 PM
Wed 1/15/25 9:09 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)
USNH System Office